zondag 4 december 2016

Furry Sundays

Hey boys & girls, 

It's been a while since I blogged and I feel quite guilty about it. That's why I made a promise to myself: from now on, I'm going to dedicate my Sundays to at least one blogpost, starting today. 

I don't know if you have noticed but the days have become more chilly than last week. Like seriously, I need to scratch the ice of my car every morning and I'm not liking it! 

So today was the day I got my fox fur out of the closet again. I know a lot of people have an opinion about this coat, either positive or negative. But, I really don't want to start the discussion on that topic.  I love my fur coat and it's so warm and fuzzy, perfect for these temperatures (and worse). 

I don't know if you joined in on some "Black Friday"-shopping last week but I couldn't resist. I bought these new booties and these necklaces at Forever21. I'm still sad that the store was closed down in Antwerp, but thank God for online shopping! 

I topped the outfit with some jeans I ripped and cut off myself from Zara. And I also couldn't resist the sparkling black little v-neck from H&M which was on sale as well (I'm a great saleshopper btw). The hat is from Blissful Tris, an early birthday gift from my boss. Blissful Tris has some really nice boho-inspired stuff and you can invite her for homeparties, go find her on Instagram! 

I don't know if you have noticed, but I'm wearing glasses on the pictures. I've been having really bad headaches for the last couple of months and I think it might be from sitting behind my desk/computer all day. So I went to Hans Anders to get my sight measured up and they provided me with not one, but two glasses who measured up to my needs. I do feel like I'm a nerd now but if it will help me with my headaches, I will be so thankful! 

Enjoy your evening and don't forget to place your shoe next to the fireplace, it's almost Sinterklaas' birthday!!

PS, only 27 days until mine yaaayyy


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