I can honestly cry while writing this blogpost. See, I lost my heart last week. Not to a guy, but to a city, for real!
I'm talking about Prague... You see, I like to go on a holiday to a 5 star hotel during summer, doing nothing at all, just hangin' by the pool all day. But the negative part about that is that you won't get a chance to fully explore the city, taste typical dishes, meet up with locals,... That's why I love to go on a citytrip and as I said before, this one led me to Prague.
I really didn't know what to expect because I have never been there. I knew that there was the old and the new city, and that was it. I didn't even know that they didn't pay with euros...
Day 1
I arranged the flight tickets and an appartment for me and me friend. We left right after my last exam to Charleroi Airport.
Sweater: Félize
Pants: Zara
Knee boots: H&M
Bag: Givenchy
Charleroi Airport is really small so you don't have to be there 2 hours in advance. We had this cheap Ryanair flight. I think we arrived in Prague around 8 pm. The guy from the appartment was there to pick us up. The drive up there was magnificent. The water, the lights, it's such a romantic city! I knew I lived for these moments which took my breath away.
We were right in the middle of the city with our appartment, it's called U Zeleného jalovce and you can just book it with booking.com. Karen, our host, took the time to explain us where we needed to be in Prague. & after all the information, we got a bit hungry so we went out for a bite.
We didn't want to go that far just to get some food. We found this pizzaplace which we liked so we sat down and enjoyed our first meal in the unknown city. The wine was really bad though... After our meal, we just walked around a bit and went to bed quite early, we knew it was going to be a long next day.
Day 2
The second day was cold and windy. We decided to get breakfast at the Savic hotel which was right across our appartment. You get a super nice breakfast buffet for 8 euros, it was unreal! With our tummies full, we wanted to explore the city a bit. It was so cold but I needed blogpictures so I didn't wear a jacket (it made my skin so dry but hey, I made some awesome pictures, admit it!)
Sweater: got it at Just Julia, brand O'ren
Pants: Zara
Boots: H&M
Bag: Givenchy
The thing about Prague is that you don't want to look right in front of you, you need to look up. You'll see the prettiest houses and facades. All these buildings, the water and the castles, you don't need to see these pictures, you need the feeling that you get when you see it.
& offcourse, a well deserved coffee-break...
We went out later that night, there was a graduation party at a club called Roxy. The cocktails are soooo cheap, I had a gin & tonic and my tonic had the same price as the gin, it was so funny! Another thing I learned about Prague is that the guys have no shame, for real, not in a bad way, don't get my wrong. But they are not really subtle.
Another funny thing is that we met guys from my hometown, wasn't really expecting that. & also, some other guys came up to us, just to talk, when I asked them where they were from, they told me they were from the Belgian sea-side. I started laughing and the guys didn't know why.
We got home very late because of some problems with my friend's jacket. I don't even want to think back on that because it will get me frustrated again.
Day 3
I didn't have any realisation of time, I thought it was Saturday while it was actually Friday. The sun was shining and I didn't want to spend a good day in bed so I got out, looking for a hairdresser. I went to Tony & Guy to get my hair brushed and I was very pleased with it. I think I looked a bit like a Russian girl.
Eventually my friend came out of bed and we went on the road again.
We wanted to visit the Jhon Lennon wall but found some nice places on our way there.

We also came across this little pet. I called him Marcella (for no reason). I was so scared to take him on my hand but you should have seen the other birds! They were terrifying! So I was happy with this little nugget although I wasn't really at ease. But when the lady held him, I even pet him for a while, as long as he wouldn't attack I was okay with it.
After our little animal-time we went to the place where we came for. The Jhon Lennon wall. There was this guy playing guitar with a paper saying "need money for my time machine to get back to the 60's". I loved it, and his voice as well.
Got some dinner after & then it was my time to shine. I bought tickets for the hockey game HC Sparta Prague vs HC Energie Karlovy Vary. The tickets were so cheap, the arena was awesome and there were so many people! Sparta won with 6-1. Not really a good game since Sparta had already made 3 goals after 8 minutes but it was definitely a nice experience.

I had a great evening. We went to sleep quite early because we were still a bit tired of the night before and we had to check out at 10.
Day 4:
For the last day, we wanted to go shopping. We had been shopping in Palladium, a shopping mall. But we didn't find a shopping street, except for the big brands. We just wandered around town until we could go to the airport again.
I also met the friend of Marcella, I called this one Bruno. Was even more scared of him than I was the day before.
& then the time was there. We had to leave Prague. I didn't really want to go because I felt that there was so much more to see and experience in this city. But hey, this means that I will be back there probably very soon...
As I said before, Prague isn't really the place you need to go to if you want to shop. But if you want to see things or go on a romantic trip with your love, this is the place you have to go. Prague has my heart. But I do think the charm of Prague might fade during summer. So you still have some time left to visit it now ;)
Charis x
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